Bicycle on the floor after an accident with a car

Steps to Take if You’ve Been Injured in a Bicycle Accident

In South Carolina, the scenic roads and vibrant cycling community make biking a popular pastime and mode of transportation. However, cyclists find themselves particularly vulnerable when navigating traffic alongside larger, faster vehicles. Recognizing this, bicycle advocacy groups in the state have been instrumental in pushing for enhanced safety measures and laws that protect cyclists, ensuring they can share the roads safely with motor vehicles.

Despite these efforts, accidents happen. Being hit by a car while cycling can be a frightening and potentially life-changing event. Knowing the correct steps to take immediately after such an incident can significantly affect the outcome of any legal or insurance proceedings that follow.

Our South Carolina bike accident attorneys put together this guide on what to do if you’re involved in a bicycle accident with a car:

13 Things To Do If You’re in a Bike Accident in South Carolina

  1. Remain Calm and Assess Your Situation: Keeping calm allows you to think clearly and make better decisions following an accident.
  2. Move to Safety: Prioritize your immediate safety by moving out of the roadway to prevent further accidents.
  3. Call 911: It’s essential to report the accident to law enforcement and secure a police report, which plays a critical role in any legal and insurance claims.
  4. Exchange Information with the Driver: Collect contact and insurance information from the driver without discussing the accident details or admitting fault.
  5. Gather Witness Information: Witnesses can offer unbiased accounts of the incident, so collect their contact information for future reference.
  6. Document the Accident: Take detailed notes and photos of the accident scene, your injuries, and any damages to your bicycle and the vehicle involved.
  7. Seek Medical Attention: Even if you don’t feel injured, getting a medical evaluation is crucial since some injuries may not be immediately apparent.
  8. Do Not Repair Your Bicycle: Keep your bicycle in its damaged state until it has been documented and assessed by an attorney, as it serves as important evidence.
  9. Avoid Social Media: Refrain from posting details about the accident or your injuries online, as these posts can be used against you in insurance or legal matters.
  10. Consult a Personal Injury Attorney: An attorney can provide valuable advice on your rights and the best course of action for your situation.
  11. Report the Accident to Your Insurance: Inform your insurance company about the accident but consult with your attorney before providing detailed information.
  12. Follow-up with Medical Care: Continue to seek medical care for any injuries, following up as needed to address any delayed symptoms.
  13. Maintain Detailed Records: Document all medical treatments, communications with insurance companies, and any other expenses related to the accident.

Talk to Our South Carolina Personal Injury Attorneys

Navigating the aftermath of a bicycle accident can be overwhelming. By following these steps, you can protect your health, safety, and legal rights, ensuring that you’re well-prepared to handle the challenges that come with seeking compensation and recovery. Always consider consulting with a personal injury attorney who can guide you through the legal complexities specific to South Carolina, helping to secure the support and compensation you deserve.Contact our office today to speak with an attorney about your accident.

bike accident

What to Do if You’ve Been Hit by a Car While Riding Your Bike

When it comes to cyclists and cars sharing the road in South Carolina, cyclists are considerably more vulnerable than their counterparts. In response, bicycle lobbyists have been active in promoting stronger protections that ensure cyclists can safely enjoy their hobby amongst other road users.

But what do you do if you’ve been hit by a car while riding your bike? 

South Carolina personal injury attorneys offer a few tips to follow after a bike accident with a car.

Top 10 Tips After a Bike Accident With a Car:

1. Remain calm and get your bearings. 

Remain calm and alert to the situation and your surroundings. Behaving emotionally or irrationally could distract you from essential safety measures and necessary next steps following the collision.

2. Get out of the roadway. 

You’ve already been hit once and are likely injured as a result. The faster you can remove yourself from the danger of additional vehicle traffic, the better off you are. Leave your bike and other belongings and pull yourself to safety. 

3. Stay quiet.

Do not apologize or admit fault. Do not speak to any insurance representative of the other party.

An at-fault party will attempt to deflect blame and use anything you say against you. The best thing to do is to politely remain quiet, answering only essential questions posed by law enforcement and other first responders.

4. Assess your injuries and call for emergency aid.

Take note of any personal injuries, photographing them if possible.  Request immediate medical aid and accept emergency medical treatment at the scene.

5. Exchange information with the driver of the vehicle.

Write down the driver’s name, contact information, and insurance information. Also, note the make, model, and license plate of their vehicle.

6. Gather witness information.

Collect witness names and contact information. Witness accounts of the accident can help prove negligence on behalf of the driver, and help substantiate an injury accident claim. 

7. Document evidence.

Write down any important details of the accident, including weather conditions, road conditions, road hazards, road safety signs, obstructions to visibility, surrounding conditions, or distractions.  

When possible, take pictures of the accident scene and surrounding area.  Take photos from many different angles and vantage points. If you don’t have a cell phone or other camera with you or cannot physically document evidence, ask a  bystander to do so on your behalf for later use of the information. 

8. Seek follow-up medical attention.

It’s imperative you seek comprehensive follow-up medical attention. A complete physical exam may reveal internal injuries or soft-tissue injuries undetected by emergency responders.  

Any delay in diagnosing or treating injuries could compromise a future claim for financial damages related to your injuries. 

9. Contact a personal injury attorney.

An experienced personal injury attorney can determine if you have a viable compensation claim resulting from the car vs. bike crash.  They will also represent you to the opposing party’s insurance company, helping to avoid any misstatements that could be later used against you in your lawsuit. 

10. Maintain a journal of evidence and medical records. 

Your bicycle crash lawyer will need as much evidence as you can provide for your car accident injury claim. Maintain a journal documenting any recollections of the events leading up to and after the car vs. bike collision. 

Also, document all injuries, treatment plans, and ongoing symptoms. Be sure to record the impact of physical injuries and psychological trauma on your daily life and relationships. These records are critical when seeking non-economic losses such as pain and suffering or loss of consortium. 

Contact a South Carolina Personal Injury Attorney Today

South Carolina motorists and cyclists must share the road responsibly for everyone’s safety. When accidents happen between cars and cyclists, severe injuries with lasting consequences often result. 

If you or someone you love has been injured in a car vs. bicycle accident, you may be entitled to financial compensation from the at-fault party. While money can’t erase the pain from an injury accident, it can help secure medical and other resources needed for recovery and healing.